Background: Preliminary results of lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) for patients with severe emphysema are promising, although many issues regarding the selection process for LVRS are still unaddressed. For example, it is unclear which patients should be referred for pulmonary rehabilitation, lung transplantation, or LVRS, and whether health-care providers are optimizing conservative treatment options before referral for surgical intervention. The purpose of this analysis is to describe preliminary results of the evaluation process for LVRS implemented as part of an integrated, programmatic approach to the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients with advanced emphysema.
Methods: The records of 105 consecutive patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) referred for consideration for LVRS at the University of California San Diego Medical Center were reviewed. Results of prospective data collection pertaining to patient demographic, baseline dyspnea scores, and history of prior treatment, including pulmonary rehabilitation, were extracted. Patient disposition after the evaluation was noted.
Results: One hundred five patients (mean age 65 years, range 40 to 84 years) completed evaluation. Fifty-eight had never before participated in pulmonary rehabilitation, and 47 of these patients were eventually referred to a rehabilitation program. Fourteen patients were referred for consideration of lung transplantation, 25 were considered eligible for LVRS, 13 were still undergoing rehabilitation and surgical eligibility had not yet been determined, and 53 were ineligible for LVRS because patients had other illnesses (n = 34), did not meet radiological or physiologic criteria (n = 5), were considered too ill (n = 5), or were too healthy (n = 9) after rehabilitation to warrant surgical intervention.
Conclusions: Lung volume reduction surgery is a surgical option to be considered within the framework of an integrated medical evaluation program that includes pulmonary rehabilitation. Pulmonary rehabilitation remains an often underused therapeutic alternative in patients with severe COPD. It has become the central component of our comprehensive management program for patients with severe dyspnea and deteriorating quality of life.