Wolfram or DIDMOAD (Diabetes Insipidus, Diabetes Mellitus, Optic Atrophy and Deafness) syndrome, which has long been known as an autosomal-recessive disorder, has recently been proposed to be a mitochondrial-mediated disease with either a nuclear or a mitochondrial genetic background. The phenotypic characteristics of the syndrome resemble those found in other mitochondrial (mt)DNA mediated disorders such as Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) or maternally inherited diabetes and deafness (MIDD). Therefore, we looked for respective mtDNA alterations in blood samples from 7 patients with DIDMOAD syndrome using SSCP-analysis of PCR-amplified fragments, encompassing all mitochondrial ND and tRNA genes, followed by direct sequencing. Subsequently, we compared mtDNA variants identified in this disease group with those detected in a group of LHON patients (n = 17) and in a group of 69 healthy controls. We found that 4/7 (57%) DIDMOAD patients harbored a specific set of point mutations in tRNA and ND genes including the so-called class II or secondary LHON mutations at nucleotide positions (nps) 4216 and 4917 (haplogroup B). In contrast, LHON-patients were frequently (10/17, 59%) found in association with another cluster of mtDNA variants including the secondary LHON mutations at nps 4216 and 13708 and further mtDNA polymorphisms in ND genes (haplogroup A), overlapping with haplogroup B only by variants at nps 4216 and 11251. The frequencies of both haplogroups were significantly lower in the control group versus the respective disease groups. We propose that haplogroup B represents a susceptibility factor for DIDMOAD which, by interaction with further exogeneous or genetic factors, might increase the risk for disease.