Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is one of the so-called 'emerging' viral pathogens, whose role is increasingly being recognized. To estimate the risk of HEV infection during long-term stays in HEV-endemic countries, 500 serum samples obtained from development aid workers and their family members who had spent on average 9 years in HEV-endemic regions were tested for antibodies against HEV by ELISA and Immunoblot. We found seroprevalence rates of 5-6% with no significant differences related to gender or area of upbringing (raised in an HEV-endemic vs. nonendemic region). Seroprevalence rates did not increase with increasing number of stays or number of expatriate years. None of 77 children and adolescents tested was positive for anti-HEV. The Indian subcontinent showed the highest seropositive rate with 10%. In subjects returning from West and Central Africa, East Africa, South-east Asia and Latin America seroprevalence rates were around 7%. We found a comparatively low seroprevalence rate of 2.1% for the Arab countries and the Middle East. Our results show that there definitely is a risk for long-term expatriates to acquire HEV infection; however, in most of our cases infection seems to have been non- or oligo-symptomatic.