The bactericidal activity of pefloxacin and fosfomycin alone and in combination against Pseudomonas aeruginosa was evaluated in an experimental rabbit endocarditis model after 24 h of treatment. Two strains with intermediate susceptibility to pefloxacin and good susceptibility to fosfomycin were tested. The serum kinetics obtained during administration of 400 mg every 12 h in humans were simulated in the animals using computer-controlled variable-flow infusion. Fosfomycin was administered as a continuous infusion at a constant flow, allowing a steady-state concentration of 47.4 +/- 11.9 mg/ml to be reached in serum. In valvular vegetations, pefloxacin was less bactericidal than fosfomycin, and in combination treatment, it reduced (but did not abolish) the bactericidal effect of fosfomycin. The duration of the pretreatment interval (12-48 h) had a negative effect on the bactericidal activity of both drugs, especially that of fosfomycin.