Two primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 biologic clones have been studied extensively in a system using CD4 T cell-enriched peripheral blood lymphocytes and anti-CD4 antibody to measure viral replication kinetics and single-cell cytopathicity. Biologic clones from a person with AIDS replicated to high levels and were cytopathic in the absence of syncytium formation. Unexpectedly, biologic clones from an adult long-term nonprogressor were noncytopathic in spite of similar levels of viral replication. A correlation has recently been demonstrated between reduced mitochondrial viability and cell death in HIV-1-infected cultures. Peripheral blood-derived CD4 T cells infected with the cytopathic clone showed a progressive reduction in mitochondrial viability, while those infected with the noncytopathic clone demonstrated functionally viable mitochondria. These studies demonstrate that primary HIV-1-induced cytopathicity is separable from syncytium formation and replication rate.