The objective of this study was to investigate the vitamin A (vit A) status and beta carotene levels of children with constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDGP). Serum vit A and beta-carotene levels of 26 children with CDGP were measured. 20 age-matched healthy children with normal pubertal development served as controls. Except for the height SDS, which was significantly lower in the CDGP group (p < 0.05), no significant differences were found between chronological ages, weight for height indices and beta-carotene levels of the two groups (p > 0.05). Although serum vit A levels of children in both groups were within normal limits according to WHO criteria, serum vit A levels were significantly lower in the CDGP group than in controls (44.13 +/- 12.25 and 59.60 +/- 19.75 micrograms/dl respectively, p < 0.05). It was concluded that vit A deficiency may play a role in CDGP in developing countries.