There are experimental data suggesting that epinephrine (Epi) may act as a cotransmitter in sympathetic nerves, stimulating presynaptic beta 2-receptors and enhancing norepinephrine (NE) release. To examine neuronal Epi release, patients with congestive heart failure and hypertension and healthy subjects were examined with the isotope-dilution method. At baseline, small cardiac and renal Epi spillovers were found in patients. During intense supine exercise, cardiac NE and Epi spillovers increased concomitantly with similar magnitude, whereas no renal Epi spillover could be detected. Blockade of neuronal uptake 1 caused a consistent decrease in both cardiac and renal fractional extractions of NE and Epi. The present study demonstrates baseline cardiorenal Epi release in patients with congestive heart failure and renal Epi release in hypertensive patients. Furthermore, Epi is removed by neuronal uptake in both the heart and kidney, and cardiac Epi spillover increases during exercise. This study, in contrast to other results, provides evidence for cardiac neuronal Epi release.