Background: Both pneumoperitoneum and blind needle and trocar insertion may cause complications: because of the well-known physiological effects, CO2 insufflation is not indicated in patients with impairment of cardiorespiratory function and high-risk patients; injuries to underlying viscera and vessels by needles and trocars have been reported even when the open technique is used.
Methods: A technique which combines abdominal wall suspension by a new subcutaneous lifter (LaparoTenser) and optical trocar (OptiView) insertion has been evaluated in a random series of 22 patients undergoing various laparoscopic procedures. The optic trocar was inserted without previous insufflation, but low-pressure (1-5 mmHg) pneumoperitoneum was associated during the course of the procedure in 16 cases.
Results: The exposure of the operating field was good or sufficient in 21 cases (95%), while the placement of the optical trocar was always safe. One complication related to the insertion of the subcutaneous needles of the wall lifter occurred (suprafascial hematoma).
Conclusions: The subcutaneous retractor allows the use of conventional cannulae and the combination of abdominal wall suspension with or without low-pressure pneumoperitoneum, thus enhancing the quality of exposure with no effect on the hemodynamic and respiratory functions.