The aim of our study was to asses the functional and cosmetic results after performing a modified Ravitch-Sutherland procedure in children presenting with pectus excavatum. A series of 31 children with ages ranging between 5 and 16 years, presenting with pectus excavatum, were operated between 1986-1996 in our service. In 5 cases surgical treatment was required by the presence of respiratory and/or cardiac functional impairment due to the malformation. In the other 23 cases operation was performed mainly for cosmetic reasons. In all cases a modified Ravitch-Sutherland procedure was performed. Modifications consisted in renouncing at the plication of the perichondrium and in associating a diaphragmatic elongation and Bedouelle laparoplasty in all cases. Longitudinal sternotomy was performed in 2 cases with severely impaired ventilatory capacity. Functional and cosmetic results were good in all cases. In 2 cases, in which recurrence of the condition was observed, a second identical procedure was performed, with a good result. The interval between the operation and the moment of long-term evaluation ranged between 3 months and 11 years. We conclude that the modified Ravitch-Sutherland procedure represents an effective method for the treatment of pectus excavatum cases, offering good functional and cosmetic long-term results.