1. The authors investigated the prevalence of qualitatively rated structural brain abnormalities in schizophrenic probands and their first-degree relatives from families multiply affected with schizophrenia. 2. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to evaluate brain morphology in 33 schizophrenic probands, 54 of their non-schizophrenic first-degree relatives (including 11 presumed obligate carriers) and 37 unrelated control subjects. Structural images were examined by a neuroradiologist who was blind to diagnostic and family status. 3. 52% of the schizophrenic subjects were rated as showing abnormalities compared with 27% of presumed obligate carriers, 16% of their non-schizophrenic relatives and 11% of unrelated controls. 4. Brain abnormalities were more frequent in schizophrenic subjects from multiplex families than in their first-degree relatives and controls. Abnormalities were also found in unaffected relatives particularly those who appear to be transmitting the disorder.