Dysmorphic erythrocyturia is known as an attribute of glomerular bleeding. During chronic glomerulonephritis the morphological changes of blood platelets were also observed. The subject of our study was to indicate if the common mechanism leading to blood platelets polymorphology and dysmorphic erythrocytes origination in chronic glomerulonephritis is possible. We estimate the count of blood platelets (PLT), mean platelets volume (MPV), platelet distribution weight (PDW) and platelets crit (PCT) in peripheral blood of 46 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis with dysmorphic erythrocyturia (26 with renal sufficiency and 20 with renal insufficiency) and 32 healthy volunteers. The dysmorphic erythrocyturic erythrocytes were examined in first morning urine. We have not demonstrated the correlation of changes in blood platelets morphology with percent dysmorphic erythrocytes in urine. The results of our investigations do not confirm exactly the common mechanism of the morphological changes which were observed. Minimal changes of the blood platelets parameters may be the results of changes in structure of phospholipids platelets membrane as well as less activation of platelets membrane receptors-GP Ia/IIb and GP Ic/IIa.