Modified, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-inoculated thy/liv-SCID-hu mice were used to evaluate the in vivo efficacy of antiretroviral drugs. Ritonavir treatment alone initially suppressed plasma viremia, but the viremia recurred with the appearance of ritonavir-resistant HIV isolates. Multidrug therapy suppressed plasma HIV RNA to undetectable levels; however, plasma viremia returned after therapy was stopped, showing that the therapy did not completely suppress HIV infection in the thymic implant. When thy/liv-SCID-hu mice were treated with a combination of zidovudine, lamivudine, and ritonavir immediately after inoculation with HIV, cocultures of the thymic implants remained negative for HIV even 1 month after therapy was discontinued, suggesting that acute treatment can prevent the establishment of HIV infection. Thus, these modified thy/liv-SCID-hu mice should prove to be a useful system for evaluating the effectiveness of different antiretroviral therapies on acute and chronic HIV infection.