Transferrin (Tf), a major transport protein for iron in the blood and an essential growth factor in some tissues, acts via specific transferrin receptor (TfR). We studied the cellular distribution of Tf and TfR gene expression in 50 human nontumorous autopsy pituitaries and 42 surgically removed pituitary adenomas. Tf and TfR mRNA accumulation was correlated with Ki-67 proliferation marker. In nontumorous pituitaries without iron deposits Tf immunoreactivity was localized in some growth hormone, prolactin, adrenocorticotropin, thyrotropin, and luteinizing hormone cells. Most adenohypophysial cells were immunopositive for TfR. In pituitaries with iron deposits, Tf and TfR were localized only in iron-free cells. Tf mRNA and protein were present in 27 and 32 adenomas, respectively; Ki-67 labeling index of tumors positive for Tf mRNA was significantly higher than in those without transcript (0.94% versus 0.51%; P < 0.025). A positive linear correlation between tumor growth fraction and Tf mRNA signal intensity was evident (r = 0.32; P = 0.04). TfR mRNA and encoded protein were demonstrated in 26 and 31 adenomas, respectively; Ki-67 immunoreactivities were not correlated with the presence of TfR transcripts and signal intensities. These data suggest that Tf may act as a growth-promoting factor for pituitary tumors.