Purpose: To assess the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in an unselected sample of patients with glaucoma.
Methods: The HRQOL was studied in a cross-sectional survey in 270 patients from two departments of ophthalmology in different parts of Sweden by using the Swedish Health-Related Quality of Life Survey, a generic HRQOL-instrument adapted from the Medical Outcomes Study.
Results: Compared to a random Standard Population Sample, the glaucoma patients showed lower mean score only in the scale of 'Pain' (p < 0.05, effect size 0.17), but higher mean score in 'Sexual functioning' (p < 0.01, effect size 0.35). Significant factors correlated to a lower score on HRQOL-scales were decreased visual acuity and visual field, and comorbidity of cardiovascular and non-vascular systemic diseases. Regarding the topical medications, beta-blockers with or without miotic agents had no negative impact on the HRQOL.
Conclusion: Our findings indicate that health-related quality of life in glaucoma patients in general is good, especially when vision is intact, and that topical beta-blockers do not have any negative influence.