The treatment of choice in patients with drug-resistant atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia is radiofrequency fast or slow pathway ablation. Ablation of the reentrant circuit in the region of the His bundle, when approached from the anterior-superior region (fast pathway); can result in complete AV block. This is less likely if the posterior-inferior (in the region of coronary sinus ostium) approach is used (slow pathway ablation). The possibility that radiofrequency energy may damage the vascular supply to the AV node must be considered. In order to confirm this hypothesis observation was conducted on the autopsy material of 50 human hearts (20 F, 30 M) from 18 to 81 years of age. Specimens were taken containing the triangle of Koch (the apex- right fibrous trigone, the base- coronary sinus ostium). These histological blocks were sectioned in the frontal plane and stained using Masson's method. Koch's triangle was divided in the sagittal plane into 3 parts: inferior (between the base and the attachment of the tricuspid valve), central (between the base and the apex of the right fibrous trigone) and superior (between this trigone and the tendon of Todaro). It was observed that the AVN artery at the coronary sinus ostium level (the base of the triangle of Koch) was positioned in 68% in the central and in 32% in the inferior part of Koch's triangle. The AVN artery in the central part was removed from the endocardium 1 mm (18%), 2 mm (42%), 3 mm (22%), 4 mm (18%). In the inferior part 1 mm (26%), 2 mm (37%), 3 mm (37%). No statistically significant relationship was observed between those groups.
Conclusions: 1) in 20% of examined hearts the AVN artery lay just beneath the endocardium near the coronary sinus ostium 2) there is a risk of the AVN artery coagulation during radiofrequency ablation in the slow pathway region.