The purpose of this study was to investigate the value of tibolone in the treatment of psychosomatic symptoms in menopause. Forty-two menopausal women (aged 46-63, mean 53.9) with nightly perspiration, vasomotor flushes, disturbance of libido, dyspnea and other psychosomatic symptoms were assigned to one of two treatment groups for three months: 1st group) 21 users of tibolone; 2nd group) 21 users of placebo. At the end of the trial disturbance of libido was observed in 4 (19.0%) cases tin the 1st group and 11 (52.4%) cases in the 2nd (p < 0.05) and nightly perspiration was observed in 3 cases (14.3%) in the 1st group and 9 cases (42.9%) in the 2nd (p < 0.05). Although vasomotor flushes were observed in only 3 (14.3%) cases in the 1st group and 7 cases (33.3%) in the 2nd group, this difference was not significant (p > 0.05). There was no significant effect of tibolone or placebo in dyspnea, vertigo and headache. From the results it can be concluded that tibolone can have a beneficial effect on some psychosomatic symptoms in postmenopausal women.