1. During the last quarter of 1995 an unusual disease outbreak characterised by black sticky diarrhoea, severe reduction in food intake, egg production and body weight follow by lameness and death was observed in 2 layer farms in Andhra Pradesh. A total of 6700 hens of 64 weeks age and 3000 hens of 36 weeks age were affected. 2. Around 10% mortality and a 20% reduction in egg production was observed. Postmortem examinations showed pale yellow coloured livers with peripheral congestion, mild haemorrhage in the proventriculus and watery accumulations in the intestine. 3. The disease was traced to a new batch of food and its withdrawal improved the health status of the flocks. 4. Analysis of the diet indicated contamination with fumonisin B1 up to 8.5 mg/kg and aflatoxin B1 up to 0.1 mg/kg. 5. Diarrhoea was induced in day old cockerels by feeding the suspect diet containing 8.5 mg/kg fumonisin B1, and in laying hens by feeding a normal diet with fumonisin B1 additions of 8 and 16 mg/kg.