Objective: To classify elementary endoscopic lesions of portal hypertensive gastropathy, assess their reproducibility, prevalences, sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver.
Methods: 1) A classification of portal hypertensive gastropathy elementary lesions was defined. 2) Thirty-two endoscopists evaluated videotapes of endoscopic examinations of patients with liver cirrhosis to assess beyond-chance agreement (kappa). 3) Fifteen centres enrolled consecutive patients with or without cirrhosis of the liver and recorded portal hypertensive gastropathy pattern according to its location.
Results: 1) Four elementary lesions (Mosaic-Like Pattern, Red Point Lesions, Cherry Red Spots, Black-Brown Spots) were identified, and graded. 2) A fair to good beyond-chance agreement was obtained for all 4 lesions. 3) portal hypertensive gastropathy prevalence was higher in patients with cirrhosis of the liver (0.63, sensitivity) than in controls (0.17). Mosaic-like pattern was the most prevalent sign (0.54). Specificity of portal hypertensive gastropathy was 0.83. Portal hypertensive gastropathy was tentatively classified as mild or severe when mosaic-like pattern alone or red marks of any kind were present, respectively; this classification led to a further improvement in reproducibility.
Conclusions: Our results suggest that a sufficient degree of agreement can be achieved in recording portal hypertensive gastropathy. Therefore, the New Italian Endoscopic Club classification should be used to evaluate the natural history of this condition.