Development of afterloading techniques in combination with external radiotherapy allows for curative therapy modality for stage C prostate cancer. Between 10/92 and 12/95 128 patients were treated. Stage B and C tumors were found in 36 and 89 cases, respectively. All patients were pathologically proven to be node-negative by laparoscopic node dissection of the fossa obturatoria region. 9 Gy a week was applied during the first and second weeks of treatment (10/92-12/93: 10 Gy each week) interstitially with high-dose rate iridium192 brachytherapy to the prostate. After this, a four-field box of external beam radiation therapy was given to the prostate to a dose of 45 Gy/25 fractions (10/92-12/93: 40 Gy/20 fractions). Before starting treatment median PSA was 13.8 ng/ml. The median PSA 3, 12, and 24 months after completion of therapy was 1.2, 0.78, and 0.75 ng/ml, respectively. Negative biopsies 12 and 24 months after therapy were observed in 56% (49/87) and 72% (31/43), respectively.