Background: Tuberculosis is rarely seen in patients with cystic fibrosis.
Case report: A 14-year old female adolescent, regularly followed for a well-tolerated form of cystic fibrosis, developed an acute respiratory infection with consolidation of the left inferior lobe, and no response to the usual antibiotic treatment of cystic fibrosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was found in aspirate by fibroscopy, on Loewenstein medium. No familial or social infection contact were identified. Antituberculous chemotherapy with three drugs brought about a prompt improvement of sytemic signs, weight gain, resolution of pulmonary foci and sedation of biological findings referable to inflammation.
Conclusion: This case report reminds us that tuberculosis may occur in cystic fibrosis patients. Loewenstein cultures should routinely be made when faced with an unexplainable worsening of the condition.