Chronic large granular lymphocyte leukemia is a rather rare disorder (less than 5% of LLC). Its subtype CD3+/CD8+ is often a clonal disease and without malignant characteristics. This kind of disease shows a clinical and laboratory heterogeneity, probably due to the immunological and functional variety of granular lymphocytes. In some cases of LGL leukemia an associated pathology, especially rheumatoid arthritis and chronic infections, has been reported. On the contrary, the relationship with neoplasms has been rarely proved in literature: only occasional studies have been reported and anyway they are not supported by a sufficient number of cases. Two cases of LGL leukemia are here delineated: a woman with advanced breast adenocarcinoma and another one with Sjögren disease. The first one had a rapidly fatal course, while the other one had a prolonged clinical course with chronic neutropenia (13 years follow-up). The association between carcinoma and LGL leukemia may be just a casual finding but the hypothesis of a possible relationship is however very interesting on account of the important role of granular lymphocytes in controlling tumoral growth. Moreover, both patients had concomitant chronic HCV-correlated infection: maybe it will worth making a prevalence study with a greater number of cases, in order to evaluate a probable relationship between these pathologies. The growth factor G-CSF may be useful in the treatment of infections that often occur in patients with severe neutropenia.