The time course of the expression of Dp116, talin, vinculin and vimentin in rat sciatic nerve was investigated after experimental transection. Dp116 was still found at 5 days after experiment in some degenerating myelinated fibers of both proximal and distal stumps. The findings are consistent with the known preservation of electrical excitability of the distal nerve in the first days after injury. Some regenerating nerve fibers into the neuroma also expressed Dp116 at 25 and 40 days after nerve transection. Talin and vinculin markedly and diffusely immunostained the neuroma. Talin in the distal stump and vimentin in both proximal and distal stumps were found decreased during the time course of the experiment. Vinculin binding increased in the distal stump, due to a real overexpression or simply to a cross-reaction to degeneration products.