During the 12 month period of January-December 1991, 75 admissions were made to the Head Injury Unit at Bethesda Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Approximately 26% (20) of these admissions were either secondary or postsecondary students. Thirteen of the 20 students were interviewed by telephone at approximately 3 years postinjury and demographic and medical information were obtained from their medical files. Outcome was documented in three areas: educational, medical and psychosocial status. At 3 years postinjury, 11 subjects (85%) had either completed a course or were still studying. The average time for students to return to study was approximately 11 months postinjury. The students reported a number of changes including: enrollment in different courses, a reduction in course load to part-time study, altered educational and vocational goals and an increased need to utilize study skill strategies, individual tuition and special consideration. In addition, students reported changes to their relationships with peers and their involvement in extracurricular activities. It is apparent from these results that a number of factors need to be considered when a student is planning to return to study following TBI and that a range of support services may be required. Future studies are needed to examine the factors which impede or enhance a student's progress following TBI.