Objective: To study the effect of propranolol on portal hemodynamics in cirrhotics using duplex ultrasonography.
Methods: Portal venous flow was measured by duplex ultrasonography in 12 healthy volunteers and ten men with cirrhosis. The cirrhotics were evaluated prior to and after ingestion of propranolol (60 mg twice daily for seven days) or placebo in a randomized cross-over fashion. Variations in heart rate, blood pressure, portal vein diameter, and portal venous flow and velocity were evaluated.
Results: The mean (SD) portal venous flow in the volunteers was 746 (280) mL/min, portal flow velocity was 18.5 (3.6) cm/s and portal vein diameter was 9.2 (1.4) mm. In cirrhotics, propranolol decreased portal blood flow from 586 (220) to 413 (120) mL/min (p < 0.03), the overall reduction being 29.5%. This effect was due to decrease in portal flow velocity, from 12.5 (3.3) to 9.7 (2.3) cm/s (p < 0.03) without significant change in portal vein diameter. No changes were observed with placebo.
Conclusions: Propranolol decreases portal flow velocity and thus portal venous flow in cirrhotics.