Paramagnetic Inversion of the Sign of the Interference Contribution to the Transverse Relaxation of the Imido Protons of the Coordinated Imidazoles in the Uniformly 15N-Labeled Cytochrome c3

J Magn Reson. 1998 Apr;131(2):367-72. doi: 10.1006/jmre.1998.1378.


In the spectrum of uniformly 15N-labeled cytochrome c3, the relative linewidths of the doublet peaks of the 15N-coupled imido proton of the coordinated imidazole group were reversed on oxidation. This inversion was explained by the interference relaxation process between the electron-proton dipolar and 15N-1H dipolar interactions. The inversion can be used to assign the imido protons of the coordinated imidazole groups in heme proteins. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.