The antiprotozoan activity of secnidazole was studied in Cercocebus t. torquatus, Cercopithecus campbelli, Erythrocebus patas (Cercopithecidae), and Gorilla gorilla (Pongidae) compared with that of paromomycin in Cercocebus t. lunulatus (Cercopithecidae), E. patas, and G. gorilla (Pongidae) by coprological analysis. The antiprotozoan activity of both drugs depended on the parasite species and the host species. The drugs acted in a similar way on Entamoeba coli parasitising C. t. torquatus, and E. patas. This activity was different from that observed on I. buestchlii from the same host species. Nevertheless, E. coli parasitising cercopithecids and pongids responded to drugs differently.