The overall recovery of organisms and time to detection with the BACTEC 9050 and BACTEC 9240 systems were compared in a multicenter evaluation. In the first phase of the study, a total of 4,383 compliant aerobic (Plus Aerobic/F) blood culture sets were processed. There was no significant difference in the recovery of individual groups of organisms with the two systems, with the exception of Streptococcus pneumoniae which was isolated more frequently with BACTEC 9050. False-positive signals occurred more often with BACTEC 9240 (58 cultures) than with BACTEC 9050 (43 cultures), but false-negative cultures were uncommon with both systems (3 cultures for each system). Time to detection of positive cultures of clinically significant organisms was essentially the same with both instruments. In the second phase of the study, 2,431 compliant anaerobic (Plus Anaerobic/F) blood culture sets were processed. There was no significant difference in the recovery of organisms with BACTEC 9050 compared with BACTEC 9240. Significantly (P < 0.03) more false-positive signals occurred with BACTEC 9240 (15 cultures) than with BACTEC 9050 (4 cultures). Likewise, more false-negative cultures occurred with BACTEC 9240 (11 cultures) than with BACTEC 9050 (8 cultures). Time to detection of positive cultures of clinically significant organisms was essentially the same with both systems with the exception of anaerobes (N = 10), which were recovered earlier (P < 0.01) with BACTEC 9240 (35.0 h) than with BACTEC 9050 (61.4 h).