The age-related decline in T cell functions is generally considered to be due to changes in the responding alphabeta T cell populations as a result of impairment of T cell differentiation in the thymus. T cells bearing the gammadelta TCR are normally a minor subset of circulating T cells, but often the major T cell type among lymphocytes in epithelial tissues. In this paper we show that gammadelta T cells are expanded in lymph nodes of irradiated mice after syngenic bone marrow transplantation. Interestingly, these gammadelta T cells express mainly the Vgamma3 TCR, which is characteristic of dendritic epithelial T cells that can develop in athymic nude mice and may recognize self antigens. Since the peripheral expansion of Vgamma3 T lymphocytes is closely related to bone marrow age, these observations indicate that the age-related propensity to extrathymic development of Vgamma3+ gammadelta+ T lymphocytes is mainly due to stem cell dysregulation in aging. This phenomenon may contribute to T cell impairment and to the increased natural cytotoxic activity of lymphoid cells in aged mice.