Introduction: Anetoderma is a skin disease of unknown etiology sometimes encountered in patients with a lupus syndrome. We report a clinical and pathology analysis of 3 selected cases of anetoderma associated with systemic lupus erythematosus and/or antiphospholipid syndrome.
Case reports: Three patients had skin lesions typical of anetoderma. Antiphospholipid antibodies were present in all three (anticardiolipin in 3, circulating lupus anticoagulants in 3, anti-beta 2GP1 in 2). One patient with systemic lupus erythematosus had signs of antiphospholipid syndrome, the two others had primary antiphospholipid syndrome.
Discussion: The analysis of our cases and a review of the literature suggest that anetoderma is a disease which develops in the immunological environment of lupus, and is apparently more related to the presence of antiphospholipids than lupus itself. Thus anetoderma could be another cutaneous sign of the antiphospholipid syndrome.