The authors report their experience with 31 hypoglosso-facial anastomoses mainly carried out after removal of tumours of the cerebello-pontine angle, 26 were available for evaluation: at 18 months there were 5 of grade II, 19 of grade IV and 2 of grade V. Only one patient was dissatisfied with the result. 24 of the patients had received their hypoglosso-facial anastomosis using the clinical technique of Korte. In 3 cases the operation was by the technique of May. The authors suggest a variation of May's technique: it was carried out on the last 4 patients. It consists of a hemi-hypoglosso-facial anastomosis with rerouting of the mastoid portion of the facial nerve, without using a nerve graft. The aim of this technique is to reduce the sequelae of hemi-lingual atrophy and paralysis (which gives trouble with articulation, mastication and deglutition). The authors' experience confirms that these sequelae are greatly reduced, if not abolished. The functional results in terms of facial movements were satisfactory and consistant: 43.7% were quantified--with 3 of grade II and one of grade IV on the House Brackmann scale.