To determine possible effects of apnea attacks on the spontaneous behavior of the circadian system (body temperature, sleeping behavior, vigilance), 11 patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) were observed before therapy over a 24 h period under a special constant routine (bed-rest study) and again during therapy with nCPAP (nasal continuous positive airway pressure). Clinical indicators (polysomnographical, subjective sleep quality, etc.) indicated successful therapy. During the bed-rest study with nCPAP therapy, the 24 h amplitude of core temperature was found to be greater than the amplitude measured before therapy. Also, therapy decreased sleep disturbances at night and reduced daytime sleeping times. Consequently, the level of subjective vigilance was higher during the daytime during therapy. OSA attacks do not only impair sleep; they disturb the whole circadian system. This may also impair recuperation and sleep. Further research should test whether measurements of the spontaneous circadian system could have additional diagnostic value and whether the stabilization of the circadian system has therapeutic value.