High-dose preoperative radiation and specifically designed surgical techniques were used to extend the application of sphincter preservation surgery for cancer of the distal 3 cm of the true rectum. A total of 203 consecutive patients with rectal cancer were treated with external-beam irradiation (45-70 Gy) and radical curative surgery. The cancer was at the level of 0.5-3.0 cm in 65 patients. In these 65 patients treated by radical resection with coloanal anastomosis six suffered recurrence (9%), and the 5-year actuarial survival was 85%. There was a single death. There was no local recurrence among 44 patients in whom the postradiated cancer resided in the rectal wall with or without nodal involvement. With proper selection, high-dose preoperative radiation therapy thus permits extended use of sphincter preservation surgery with coloanal anastomosis for cancers of the distal 3 cm of the true rectum.