The mechanisms of the spread to the kidney and urinary tract of miliary tuberculosis which involves the urinary system with a rather high incidence, and, if not detected, may result in a functionless kidney for the often nonspecific symptomatology, are analyzed. These considerations account for the seriousness of the problem of urinary tuberculosis, whose great topical interest is unfortunately proven not only in the African continent where it is particularly common, but also in Europe. The lesions underlying the damage to the renal parenchyma and lower urinary tract are carefully examined for a correct interpretation of the radiologic signs. Most representative patterns of the various stages of urinary tuberculosis are described; the attention is focused on conventional radiology, still the most suitable imaging procedure for its early identification. The role of the other procedures which even if are not of first choice when urinary tuberculosis is suspected, in some cases may be useful in the approach to the disease. The mechanisms of the spread of genital tract tuberculosis, less frequent than urinary tuberculosis, but seemingly interesting for its clinical and diagnostic features, are considered. An accurate analysis of major patterns of tuberculosis of male and female genital tract is reported to better understand the various aspects of diagnostic imaging.