Recently, the cell-volume-regulated serine-threonine protein kinase h-sgk was cloned from a human hepatoma cell line. The sgk gene was shown to be induced by cell shrinkage in many different mammalian cell lines. In this study, two highly conserved serine-threonine protein kinases, sgk-1 and sgk-2, were cloned from rectal gland tissue of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias). Both kinases showed a distinct pattern of tissue specificity, with high expression levels in kidney, intestine, liver and heart. In rectal gland slices sgk-1 transcription was induced by exposure to hypertonic solution, reduction of the extracellular urea concentration, and addition of the secretagogues vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and carbachol. The shark sgk-1 serine-threonine protein kinase may therefore provide a link between cell volume, Cl–secretion and protein phosphorylation state in shark rectal gland cells.