During twenty applications with a spray pistol of methomyl to chrysanthemums, inhalation exposure as well as potential and actual dermal exposure were monitored using the 'whole-body'-method. On the basis of the exposure data, in terms of exposure to the liquid formulation and the spray liquid, the possible health risk for methomyl and thirteen other pesticides, frequently used in ornamentals, was indicatively assessed. From the No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level (NOAEL) in animal experiments an Indicative Limit Value (ILV) was derived. The ILV is considered indicative for the limit of daily exposure for a worker which probably gives no rise to adverse health effects. This value is a rough approximation since the database for a proper assessment of such a value is generally incomplete. Assuming that exposure is independent of the pesticide, using a suitable format, the actual observed exposure can be compared with the ILV. To reduce the dermal exposure levels below the ILV the exposure of especially the hands has to be reduced e.g. by using impermeable gloves.