Objective: To investigate p53 protein expression in imprints from benign and ductal breast carcinoma cases in relation to the histologic grade of malignancy and clinical stage.
Study design: The study group consisted of 60 cases of primary ductal breast carcinomas and 20 benign lesions. For the demonstration of p53 protein expression, an immunocytochemical avidin-extravidin complex technique was applied. Monoclonal antibody p53 was used as the primary antibody, diaminobenzidine as the chromogen and hematoxylin as the counterstain.
Results: Forty-five percent of breast cancer cases showed positive expression of p53. A statistically significant difference in p53 protein expression was observed between grade 1, 2 and 3 carcinomas and stage I, II and III cases. All benign lesions were negative for p53 protein expression.
Conclusion: Immunocytochemical p53 protein expression in cytologic material is a simple method that can be applied in routine cytologic laboratories for the identification of genetic alterations in primary ductal breast cancer.