Objectives: To describe muco-cutaneous manifestations of dengue fever, assessing their incidence and histopathological aspects.
Patients and methods: During a dengue 2 epidemic, occurring in Guadeloupe in 1994, all patients admitted with a confirmed diagnostic of dengue fever were assessed for dermatological changes by 2 clinicians; 5 patients underwent skin biopsy with immuno-fluorescence staining.
Results: Among 39 adult inpatients (Sex ratio 1.1, medium age 41 years) none presented a severe form of the disease, whereas 18/39 (46 p. 100) had some muco-cutaneous changes, associating rash (13 cases (33 p. 100)), mucous membranes involvement (7 cases (18 p. 100)), or minor haemorrhages (6 cases (15 p. 100)). The rash appeared macular, discrete, itching, troncular with peripheral extension, rather than maculo-papular (morbiliform) as usually described. Apart from cases which minor haemorrhagic changes, significatively associated with marked thrombocytopenia (medium 37 x 10(9)/1), dengue cases either with or without muco-cutaneous changes had similar clinical (duration, severity) or biological (neutro-lympho-thrombocytopenia, transaminases) features, and evolution. Histological changes appeared non specific (minor lymphocytic dermal vasculitis, non contributive immuno-fluorescence).
Discussion: Clinical and histological features of the rash are unspecific and inconstant: they do not allow an easy and accurate diagnosis. Complete clinical, epidemiological (very recent travel in endemic areas) or biological data should be collected, and early virological or later serological confirmation is needed. As well as travel facilities are growing, the dengue area is extending: dengue fever should therefore be considered in every traveller with fever and rash.