Background: A new natural product for the treatment of psoriasis has recently become available in many European countries: Mirak. The Mirak Home Care Packs consist of natural spring water, volcanic earth and vitamin E cream. Recently, the efficacy of Mirak has come into question. As this treatment is used by many psoriasis patients in Europe, it is important for dermatologists to be informed about the clinical effects of the therapy.
Aim: To evaluate the efficacy and side effects of the Mirak Home Care Packs.
Methods: By means of a placebo-controlled left/right comparison, both clinical and histological parameters were evaluated during 6 weeks of treatment.
Results: The reduction in induration was significantly greater in the Mirak-treated lesions than in the lesions treated with a placebo. A reduction in desquamation was found in both treatments; the difference between the treatments was not statistically significant. A decrease in number of proliferative cells in the Mirak-treated lesions was seen, but the difference with placebo-treated lesions was not significant. The other investigated parameters did not change during treatment. No side effects were seen.
Conclusions: The Mirak Home Care Pack induces a modest therapeutic effect compared to placebo treatment, without significant side effects. Treatment with the Mirak Home Care Packs alone will probably not be able to compete with the already existing treatments for psoriasis.