Mice infected with murine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (MAIDS) virus developed lymphoadenopathy and profound immunodeficiency. Concomitantly the expression of endogenous mammary tumor virus (MTV) mRNA increased significantly, especially for the 1.7-kb 3' open reading frame (ORF) mRNA encoding MTV superantigen. B cell lines that are established from MAIDS mice and exhibit superantigen activity also express a high level of 1.7-kb endogenous MTV and mRNA. Infection of a B cell tumor line in vitro with retrovirus containing the cloned MAIDS virus gene induced superantigen activity and this cell line also expressed the 1.7-kb superantigen coding MTV 3' ORF mRNA. These results strongly suggest a link between MAIDS virus infection and the induction of endogenous superantigen activity. This may play an important role in the pathogenesis of the MAIDS virus.