Background and objective: Suprasellar meningioma continues to be diagnosed very late after the onset of first eye symptoms. This study was aimed at demonstrating the effect of delay on the long-term visual loss.
Patients and methods: In the course of a retrospective study all 53 consecutive patients operated on for suprasellar meningioma from 1982 to 1991 were contacted (47 women, 6 men; average age 49.5 years) 46 of the 49 surviving consented to the follow-up investigation. The extent of preoperative visual loss, tumour size, presence of optic nerve atrophy and duration of visual loss, data that provide an indirect measure of how soon the correct diagnosis was made, were analysed with regard to their effect on long-term ophthalmological results.
Results: The mean period elapsing from onset of first visual symptoms to the definitive diagnosis of suprasellar meningioma was 22.3 months. The data showed that the long-term results were the worse the later the diagnosis was made.
Conclusions: The commonly very late diagnosis of suprasellar meningioma as cause of visual loss is an international problem and is presumably due to the low incidence of the tumour (1-2 cases per 1 mill. population per year). If long-term results are to be improved, primary care doctors must be made aware of the differential diagnosis of visual loss caused by pressure from a tumour.