Complete diagnosis of chronic hepatitis relies on exploring the liver by bipsic punction, performing the classic histopathologic and immunohistochemic exams. We worked out viral antigens hepatocytes by using avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex technique as following: Ag HBs placed in cytoplasm or at the level of the cell membrane. Ag HBc preferably placed in nucleus and, a small part of it, in cytoplasm. Ag HD present especially in nucleus. A correlation between tissular antigen expression and hepatic histopathologic aspect was established. Two main types of viral expression were remarked: a regressive type reflected by cytoplasmatic Ag HBs in the absence of generalised nuclear Ag HBc--situations linked to persistent chronic hepatitis: an aggressive type characterised by the presence of the focal nuclear Ag HBc, cytoplasmatic Ag HBc or antigen HD--situations linked to active chronic hepatitis with various degrees of severity.