Previous studies of the conformations of peptides spanning the length of the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain suggested that SH3 domains lack independently folding substructures. Using a local structure prediction method based on the I-sites library of sequence-structure motifs, we identified a seven residue peptide in the src SH3 domain predicted to adopt a native-like structure, a type II beta-turn bridging unpaired beta-strands, that was not contained intact in any of the SH3 domain peptides studied earlier. NMR characterization confirmed that the isolated peptide, FKKGERL, adopts a structure similar to that adopted in the native protein: the NOE and 3JNHalpha coupling constant patterns were indicative of a type II beta-turn, and NOEs between the Phe and the Leu side-chains suggest that they are juxtaposed as in the prediction and the native structure. These results support the idea that high-confidence I-sites predictions identify protein segments that are likely to form native-like structures early in folding.
Copyright 1998 Academic Press.