The effects of dietary lipids on haemostasis were investigated in rats fed high fat diets enriched in saturated fatty acids (SAT), oleic acid (OLEIC), MaxEPA oil (MaxEPA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) or docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and results were compared to those for rats fed standard chow (ST). Coagulant activities of factor IIc and factor VII-Xc were reduced by about 70% in the MaxEPA group and 50% in the EPA and DHA groups relative to the OLEIC, SAT and ST groups. Liver vitamin K levels were five times lower in the experimental groups than in the ST group, which would indicate an effect of high fat diets on vitamin K metabolism. However, only (n-3) fatty acids prolonged the prothrombin time. These components could act at the post-translational modification level of vitamin K-dependent plasma clotting factors. The changes in haemostatic factors found in the MaxEPA group were counteracted by vitamin K supplementation.