The role of maintenance chemotherapy in the treatment of small cell lung cancer remains controversial. We have collected the arguments in favor of that approach by performing a quantitative and qualitative overview of the studies published on this topic in the French and English literatures since 1980. On the thirteen prospective randomized trials reported, six demonstrated a significant survival advantage in favor of maintenance, no difference was observed in 6 and 1 study had a significant survival advantage for no maintenance. Due to the heterogeneity of the study designs and to the lack of published data, no meta-analysis could be performed. A qualitative overview of the different trials showed that the quality scores of the positive trials was similar to the negative ones, allowing us to conclude that they could be considered at the same level. No negative trial with a similar design can be opposed to each particular positive trial that is thus not conterbalanced. Moreover the trials not in favor of maintenance could be falsely negative by a lack of power, the publications mentioning no statistical consideration. There are thus a series of arguments in favor of maintenance chemotherapy for small-cell lung cancer, which require to be confirmed by randomised trials of adequate quality.