The role of signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs) in receptor protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK)-induced cell growth and transformation was investigated using an inducible epidermal growth factor receptor-Ros chimeric receptor called ER2 and a constitutively activated insulin-like growth factor I receptor called NM1, both of which are able to induce anchorage-independent growth of NIH 3T3 cells. ER2 and NM1 receptor PTKs are able to cause Stat3 activation. Co-expressing the dominant negative Stat3 mutant with ER2 or NM1 in transiently or stable transfected cells resulted in a dramatic inhibition of colonies induced by these receptor PTKs and a moderate inhibition of their mitogenicity in monolayer. Therefore, Stat3 is not only important for initiation of transformation, as demonstrated by inhibition of the epidermal growth factor-inducible colony formation of the ER2 cells by the mutant, but it is also required for the maintenance of transformation, as evidenced by reversion of the NM1 transformed cells. The DNA binding and transcriptional activities of the endogenous Stat3 were greatly inhibited in the ER2 and NM1 cells co-expressing the Stat3 mutants. We conclude that activated function of Stat3 is required for the establishment and maintenance of Ros and insulin-like growth factor I receptor PTK-induced cell transformation.