Aims: Splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) is characterized by a micronodular infiltrate of the splenic white pulp, centred on pre-existing follicles, with a peripheral rim of 'marginal' zone B-cells, always accompanied by a variable degree of red pulp infiltration. These histological features can be closely mimicked by a variety of other small B-cell lymphomas when they involve the spleen, which makes recognition of SMZL difficult. We therefore have compared the histopathological and immunohistochemical features of other non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) types with those of SMZL.
Methods and results: We selected cases of splenic involvement by different types of B-cell lymphoma, including mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), follicular lymphoma (FL), immunocytoma (IM) and lymphocytic lymphoma (B-CLL). A micronodular pattern and marginal zone differentiation were both found to be frequently present in FL and MCL, and with lesser frequency in IM and B-CLL. The main morphological feature useful for differential diagnosis was the cytological composition of the white pulp tumoral nodules. SMZL is distinguished by characteristic dimorphic cytology, different from the monomorphic cytology of MCL, and the distinctive mixture of centroblasts and centrocytes which is the rule in FL. B-CLL could also be identified on the basis of the polymorphic cytology including small lymphocytes and prolymphocytes, whereas cases diagnosed as IM show prominent plasmacytic differentiation, lacking the features of the other lymphoma types. Immunohistochemistry was particularly useful for the differential diagnosis. Thus the recognition of MCL was facilitated by the identification of cyclin D1 and CD43 reactivity, while FL could be recognized by the lack of IgD expression or the distinctive pattern of Ki67 staining found in SMZL. B-CLL cells were CD23+, CD43+.
Conclusion: The results of this study provide morphological and immunohistological information useful in the recognition of the different varieties of NHLs when involving the spleen and the differential diagnosis of SMZL.