Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) utilizes chemical-specific minimal risk levels (MRLs) to assist in evaluating the public health risk associated with exposure to hazardous substances. The MRLs are derived based on the health effects data compiled from current literature searches and presented in ATSDR's toxicological profiles. Health effects are categorized according to their degree of severity (e.g., serious, less serious, minimal, and not adverse). This evaluation is important, because each respective category can be assigned a different amount of uncertainty, thus affecting the final value of the calculated MRL. From the total of 272 MRLs derived as of December 1997, 21 were based on developmental effects. ATSDR's ranking of developmental health effects as described in the Guidance for Developing Toxicological Profiles and specific examples of how the categorized health effects were used in MRL derivations are provided in this paper.