To study the regulatory mechanism of gp91phox gene expression in eosinophils, we transiently transfected eosinophil-committed HL-60-C15 cells with gp91phox promoter constructs, and identified a negative element from bp -267 to -246 of the gp91phox gene, the deletion of which caused an 83% increase in promoter activity. Electrophoresis mobility shift assays demonstrated GATA-3 binds to the GATA consensus site from bp -256 to -250. An 81% increment in promoter activity was obtained when a mutation was introduced in the GATA-3 binding site of the bp -267 to +12 construct, which is comparable to that of the bp -245 to +12 construct. We therefore conclude that GATA-3 specifically binding to the GATA site negatively regulates the expression of the gene in HL-60-C15 cells.