DNA ploidy was evaluated by image cytometry in a series of 84 hepatocellular carcinomas diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration biopsy. In the series were included eight cases originally diagnosed as suspect and reclassified as well-differentiated hepatocarcinoma. The study was retrospectively performed on Papanicolaou-destained, Feulgen-restained smears. The 5c exceeding rate and the visual interpretation of the corresponding histograms were evaluated and compared with size of the tumors, serum alpha-fetoprotein values, hepatic functional staging, and patient survival. Sixty-eight cases were aneuploid and 16 euploid (9 diploid and 7 polyploid). Four of the eight cytologically suspect cases were aneuploid. Statistical analysis showed an association between size and cytologic grading, 5c exceeding rate and cytologic grading, and between aneuploidy and multiple tumors; in a Cox multivariate DNA content analysis, aneuploidy and multiple tumors were the two prognostically significant variables. DNA ploidy evaluation by static cytometry of hepatic tumors may be useful in the diagnosis on cytologic samples and could represent an independent prognostic parameter in predicting the survival outcome of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.