The diagnosis and treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, CDH, is an interdisciplinary problem. The patient concentration with prenatally diagnosed CDH for comprehensive examination with subsequent decision on the type of delivery improves the prognosis of patients with CDH. Introduction of corticoid therapy in prenatally assessed CDH reduces dysfunction and surfactant deficiency and can reduce the degree of respiratory failure during delivery. In very early prenatally assessed CDH it is possible to consider the possibility of combined corticoid and TRH (thyroxin releasing hormone) treatment of CDH. The authors submit also contemporary possibilities of prenatal intervention treatment of CDH (indication criteria for reconstruction operations of foetal surgery, intrauterine closure of the trachea and artificial laparoschisis). The concentration of patients with postnatally diagnosed CDH and a severe grade of acute respiratory insufficiency in a department with conventional and non-conventional artificial pulmonary ventilation incl. inhalation of NO oe extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, ECMO, is a further step towards optimation of treatment. Continuous evaluation of parameters of pulmonary functions during the pre- and postoperative period may prove that a therapeutic protocol with delayed surgery is useful.